weight loss, weight loss journey, diet and exercise, fitness, beginner fitness, starting weight, weight loss, fitness motivation

No Pain No Gain

weight loss, weight loss journey, diet and exercise, fitness, beginner fitness, starting weight, weight loss, fitness motivation

This is my starting weight. When I got pregnant with my son 9 years ago, I weighed close to 200 pounds. I believe I was at 180. After that my weight just sort of kept going higher and higher. Now that I’m no longer in “baby making season”, it’s time to take back control. It’s time to take care of ME. So that I can take care of my family.

I have zero energy. I’m sluggish, unmotivated, and slow. I love the way my body looks. In fact, I have curves in all the right places. Guess that’s a plus for being so tall. (I’m 5’9″) But I FEEL horrible. So yesterday I joined Les Mills OnDemand, bought some supplements (totally not necessary for all, but for me they are), and publicly declared my resolve to lose 40 pounds.

OMGEEEEE y’all am I sore today!! I did 40 minutes of Body Pump with little to no weight and I need handicap bars in my bathroom to sit on the toilet. But it’s going to be soon worth it. Like my husband told me this morning when I asked him, “What am I going to do today??? I’m so sore!!!!” and he said, “Suck it up and keep going.” Best advice to date.

So, here I go, peeps. I’m going to suck it up and keep going. No pain, no gain.


You can follow me on IG: 4kids40pounds

I also run a lifestyle | modest fashion | head covering blog at The Acculturated Housewife

Healthy Eats: Grab N Go

weight loss, protein bar, fit foods, foods to eat to lose weight, diet, diet plan, fit foods

Today’s lunch: cake bits. OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD.


weight loss, protein bar, fit foods, foods to eat to lose weight, diet, diet plan, fit foods

Snack: chopped tomato with ranch SEASONING. Same taste without those calories!



weight loss, protein bar, fit foods, foods to eat to lose weight, diet, diet plan, fit foods

BCAAs with a bit o caffeine. BCAAs daily because it promotes healthy muscles!





Day 1: Back At It

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I’m getting back into it. I’ve been gone long enough. Yes, fitness. No, not a “New Years Resolution”. A life choice revolution. I’m done with babies (as in physically cannot have anymore) and I am ready to be done with that season and back to the me that had energy! I know the title says “40 pounds”, but I’m not really into weighing myself. I kept roughly 10 pounds per baby (4 kids) so if I lost that much I would be okay with it, but if I burned fat and made muscle and stayed exactly where I’m at I’d be A-Okay with that, too.

This blog is going to be my accountability partner. I am going to document what I do, my results, my feelings, my triumphs, and my failures. I’m going to be honest and forthcoming. I’m going to be R E A L. You can join me, too! In fact, I would love that!

Step 1: I made this blog to keep me accountable.

Step 2: I signed up for Les Mills On Demand (they are currently offering a 30 day FREE TRIAL) so get in on that. Afterwards it’s only $12.99/mo

Step 3: Take some before pics

Step 4: Weigh myself

Step 5: Track my food with a journal

Step 6: HAVE FUN

fit foods, healthy foods, diet foods, whole foods, weight loss, foods for weight loss, diet foods, diet, workout supplements

This is my plan. It’s simple, to the point, and I’m not going to stress out about it. I want to enjoy the ride and have fun doing it! So, here’s to day 1 ❤


